Call center service level is a promise of maintaining a certain standard of service to call centers clients and customers, the SLA will specify that the call center is committed to answering a set percentage of calls within a certain number of seconds. For example answering 80% of calls within 20 seconds.
It’s critical to screen service level progressively, as it gives a functioning indicator of the call center’s present performance. The unstable Service level may be influenced by a range of issues, such as high call volume, service outages, or high agent absenteeism.When call center service level is carefully defined and measured consistently over time, it can be used to make data-driven decisions that can have a positive influence on Your customers.
In Bitvoice CC Administrator/call center supervisor can set SLA for each call group.
The above screenshot explains how to set the maximum call waiting time for each calls. In this screenshot the maximum call waiting time for each call is set as 20 seconds, That the sum of call waiting time in call Queue + call waiting time in agent screen. If a call exceeds the specified call waiting time the call will be marked as SLA breach. Bitvoice cc Will calculate the SLA formula every 5 Minutes by default. In Our call center reporting tool every call show how much time it was in waiting Queue. Also bitvoice wallboard will show the live waiting calls and active calls